Motorola patented a self-healing screen for smartphones

Imagine that someday smartphones will learn to correct their physical defects on their own. You dropped the smartphone on the asphalt, the screen cracked, and the smartphone immediately determined where it was damaged, and healed the “wound.” Yes, as if there was no crack at all. Approximately such a future is imagined by Motorola engineers who have recently patented the technology of display recovery for mobile devices.


According to the patent, Motorola plans to use a special polymer with a memory effect to create screens of smartphones, which is able to heal itself with the help of a point rise in surface temperature. The smartphone itself can warm the surface of the screen to make the coating more elastic and tighten the cracks. The user just needs to specify where exactly the screen passes through the crack. However, the technology should work from the heat of the human body or from a special external heater, which the company also indicated in the patent.

Sounds too good to be true, does it? But, of course, while all this is just a patent, which does not mean that this technology will soon enter our life with you. Motorola and Lenovo, to which it belongs, may never use a similar method of restoring displays in their future smartphones. But if it does happen, it will be extremely interesting to hear the reaction of the owners of electronics repair services, who earn quite good money on replacing smartphone screens.